Quality and safety

Learn how we make our care as safe as possible and how you can help us.
According to figures, as of the age of 65, an average of 1 in 3 people falls. From 80 years onwards, this is even 1 in 2. But falling is not only related to age. Both during a consultation and a hospital admission, there are points of attention to prevent falls. The following tips can help you.
Make a list of all the medicines you take. If possible, bring them to the hospital in their original packaging. It is important for your doctor to be aware of the medicines you are already taking in order to avoid dangerous reactions. During your admission, all necessary medication will be provided for you.
What is your name? What is your date of birth? No, we do not suffer from memory loss. Our care providers will systematically ask you for your name and date of birth. This way we can check that you're receiving the care that is intended for you at every step in the process.
Good hand hygiene is important to prevent the spread of bacteria and to prevent infections. That is why our care providers will always wash or disinfect their hands. But you and your visitors also play a part in good hand hygiene: use the hand alcohol available in the hospital.
Pain is a complex concept and is experienced differently by each patient. UZ Leuven wants to make your stay in the hospital as pleasant as possible and is committed to preventing or remedying pain as much as possible. Are you in pain? Tell us.
UZ Leuven chooses to use freedom-restricting measures as little as possible. In exceptional situations, after consultation, you can still opt to guarantee the well-being of the patient. Read more about coercive measures.

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Last edit: 18 June 2024