What is the procedure for an admission via the admission lounge?

You have to undergo surgery, and you can directly go to the admission lounge in the operating theatre and will be staying on a hospital ward or in the one-night stay after surgery. What is the procedure? How can you best prepare yourself?

Are you ill on the day of your planned surgery? Or do you have a fever? Immediately warn the operating theatre: call 016 34 30 01.

Preparation at home 

  • You have to be sober, because you will be undergoing surgery under general or partial anaesthetic. 
  • Make sure to think about bodily hygiene: take a bath or a shower on the morning of the surgical procedure. Don't use body lotion afterwards.  
  • It's preferable to wear comfortable clothes that you can take off and put on yourself.  
  • Remove all make-up, nail varnish, jewellery, hair pins, piercings and contact lenses.

To the hospital

Parking Oost is the recommended parking for your appointment in the operating theatre.

To the operating theatre with admission lounge

  • Check in at the registration deck in the reception hall of Access East (toegang Oost).
  • Follow the directions to the operating theatre (a walk of approximately 10 minutes), which you well get when you register.
  • Check in at the operating theatre at the reception desk and take a seat in the waiting area. 1 person can escort you up to here.  

When it is your your turn, the nurse from the operation theatre will come and get you and will escort you to the admission lounge.

To your room to the one-night stay (ENV)

After your surgery it is possible that you will be brought to your room after a couple of hours. It is however also possible that you have to stay in the one-night stay (ENV) ward. Read more about the ENV.

Complete procedure (in Dutch)

Complete procedure (in Dutch)
This clip describes the procedure for admission in the lounge of the operating theatre up until your recovery after surgery on the ward.

Want to know more about the ward?

The info on this page applies to each hospitalisation ward. More information on the specific rules, facilities and contact details for each ward can be found on that ward's page.

See the overview of the hospital wards
Last edit: 24 November 2023