Investing in the future: pioneer's mentality

A pioneer since 1081

The pioneer's mentality is part of the genetic makeup of UZ Leuven. Ever since the start of the first hospital in Leuven, the St.-Peter's Hospital in 1081, Leuven has been a trendsetter in the field of healthcare. 

In the 16th century, Andreas Vesalius, a Leuven physician could claim a breakthrough in medicine with the publication of his Fabrica, which turned the then-prevailing notion of anatomy upside down. 

In the eighteenth century, Hendrik Rega was a visionary physician, who was, in his capacity as rector,  also responsible the construction of an anatomical theatre. IN 1954, rector Pieter De Somer named the Rega Institute after him. 

Critical thinkers

The Rega-institute became a research institute which led the way in bacterial and immunological disorders. A vaccine against polio put the institute on the map: in 1958 Belgium was one of the first countries to set up a national vaccination campaign against polio. Also one of the most used medication against hiv was developed in the Rega Institute, which is located today on the Gasthuisberg campus. 

In analogy to the illustrious historical past of Leuven healthcare, UZ Leuven chooses resolutely to invest in attracting critical thinking, talented employees that want to help build tomorrow's healthcare. 

Last edit: 12 February 2021