Average number of corona patients admitted per month in 2021

Admissions, surgical procedures and consultations
366 organ transplants
In 2021 UZ Leuven performed 366 organ transplants or 39.3% of all organ transplants in Belgium. Last year UZ Leuven also performed 2 trachea transplants, making UZ Leuven the largest of all 8 transplant centres in Belgium.
Out of 143 kidney transplants there are 20 with living donation, the highest number ever for our hospital. A total of 119 lungs were transplanted over 58 double lung transplants and 3 single lung transplants. There were also 78 liver transplants, 20 heart transplants, 4 pancreas transplants and 2 small intestine transplants.
Most transplants were 1 organ transplants. For 13 patients it was a combined transplant of 2 organs and for one patient even 3 organs. With a total of 14 combined organ transplants UZ Leuven performed 63,6% of the 22 combined transplants in Belgium.

Oncology – Leuven Cancer Institute (LKI)
Medical-technical interventions and examinations
1,014 clinical trials*
In clinical trials – scientific research in humans – both researchers and patients look for improved diagnostic aids, new insights and innovative treatments.
In 2021 UZ Leuven/KU Leuven initiated 1,014 clinical trials, 43.5% international trials. 392 trials are UZ Leuven only trials, while 504 trials also involve other participating centres.
Half the trials are initiated and supervised by UZ Leuven-/KU Leuven researchers. 28.6% was headed by a commercial firm.
In 673 trials it concerned research without medication or medical aids. In addition, there were 269 trials that involved medication, 68 involved a medical aid, and 4 trials involved a combination of medication and a medical aid.
(* preliminary figures)

Age distribution

Commuter traffic
public transport2.5%
bike & public transportIn 2021, 66% of the UZ Leuven employees came to work by car. The percentage of employees that come to work on their bike increased from 21.5% in 2020 to 22.7% in 2021.
In 2021, 8.8% of the employees came to work by public transport, compared to 9.4% in 2020. In total 34% of our employees regularly used either the bike or public transport.
UZ Leuven promotes sustainable means of transport by offering its employees a bicycle allowance and free public transport.
Functions KU Leuven
All the above figures did not include the annual figures of KU Leuven. We will give you a short overview of the key figures of KU Leuven in order to stress the strong relationship between UZ Leuven and KU Leuven.
Total | Kortenberg | Gasthuisberg | |
Admissions full hospitalisation | 3,004 | 1,265 | 1,739 |
Nursing days hospitalisation | 111,792 | 77,580 | 34,212 |
Nursing days day admissions | 22,383 | 9,357 | 13,026 |
Beds occupied | 306 | 242 | 64 |
Consultations doctors | 34,952 | 15,384 | 19,568 |
Consultations non-medical staff | 13,708 | 4,624 | 9,084 |
Consultations at the ER | 3,937 | 0 | 3,937 |
Post-treatment | 11,060 | 10,912 | 148 |
Consultations conventions | 8,279 | 2,645 | 5,634 |
Mobile teams care contacts | 14,876 | 10,205 | 4,671 |